The old abandoned mine is being rebuilt for tourists. No trespassing! But Kajsa and her friends Anton and Linn find a way to get in. They want to know if there’s any truth to the old tale about the forgotten gold.
While searching for the answer to that question mysterious things start to happen. One of the almost tame elks that visit the farm regularly disappears, and Kajsa wakes up in the middle of the night hearing gun shots from the woods. Their old neighbour knows all there is to know about both gold mines and elks. But dare they trust him?
Author’s note:
I grew up in the north of Sweden where my roots are set deep in the gold mines of Boliden – once Europe’s most important gold mine. My father used to go elk hunting every autumn. (Yummie!)
This thrilling story is set in the midst of this now changing society, where farming, mining and forestry are no longer the main sources of income. But first and foremost it’s a thrilling adventure in the land of the Scandinavian elk.